The 2012 Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies school (EDIT 2012) will be hosted by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL, USA, from February 13 through 24, 2012. This is the second in a new series of international schools on particle physics detectors and instrumentation. The EDIT school was started at CERN in January, 2011 (EDIT 2011)
The school is devoted to young researchers, in their graduate studies or first few years as a post doc, who want to acquire a deeper hands-on knowledge of classical and state-of-the-art particle detectors. The school will feature two full days of detector studies in each of four subject areas: fundamentals of radiation detection, photodetection, silicon tracking detectors and test beam fundamentals. The latter course will have students building detectors and putting them into the Fermilab Test Beam Facility for irradiating with high energy particle beams.
In addition to the course work there will be daily plenary lecturers discussing how detectors are used in particle, nuclear and astrophysics experiments. There will be tours of the famous CDF, DO collider detectors, and a visit to Fermilab’s MINOS underground laboratory. There will be a reception and graduation dinner for the students.
Registration is now open for EDIT 2012. We will accept 64 students from around the world. There is no registration fee, but students will be asked to pay for their transportation to and lodging at the school.
When: 13 February – 24 February, 2012
Where: Fermilab
Sponsored by: Fermilab, Department of Energy, Fermi Research Alliance LLC
For questions, please contact Erik Ramberg ( , chair of the local organizing committee