We are pleased to announce the workshop “Fundamental Physics at the Intensity Frontier.” This workshop is an opportunity for the scientific community to identify and expand upon the physics potential of the Intensity Frontier. Starting in September 2011, six working groups will study and begin to document the full spectrum of opportunities for fundamental physics at the Intensity Frontier and identify the facilities necessary to execute such a program. This exercise will continue during October and November 2011, with smaller topical meetings organized by the working groups. The workshop is open to the broader particle and nuclear physics community and the working groups will expect and solicit input from the community. The workshop will be held Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2011 in Rockville, MD. It will conclude with the preliminary findings of the working groups and there will be a final report detailing the workshop results. This workshop is co-sponsored by the Office of High Energy Physics and the Office of Nuclear Physics in the U.S. Department of Energy.
For more information please see:
Registration for the workshop is now open at the website.
This workshop is an opportunity for the community to have a strong voice in the future direction of the U.S. HEP program . We encourage your participation in this exercise!
JoAnne Hewett and Harry Weerts
Workshop co-chairs