Results of 2009 DPF Elections

By Al Goshaw

(Originally published in January 2010 DPF newsletter)

The annual DPF election for members of the Executive Committee was completed on December 1, 2009. This year, in addition to the election of the Vice-Chair and two new member-at-large, the positions of Secretary-Treasurer and Division Councilor were filled. The five people elected are:

  • Pierre Ramond (University of Florida) Vice-Chair
  • Alice Bean (University of Kansas) Secretary-Treasurer
  • Marjorie Corcoran (Rice University) Division Councilor
  • Kara Hoffman (University of Maryland) Member-at large
  • Kate Scholberg (Duke University) Member-at-large

These people will join seven continuing Executive Members on January 1, 2010.  The 2010 members of the DPF Executive Committee and the final year of their terms are:

  • Chair: Chip Brock (2010)
  • Chair-Elect: Patty McBride (2010)
  • Vice-Chair: Pierre Ramond (2010)
  • Past Chair: Boris Kayser (2010)
  • Secretary-Treasurer: Alice Bean (2012)
  • Division Councilor: Marjorie Corcoran (2013)
  • Executive Committee Members: JoAnne Hewett and Ritchie Patterson (2010); Kevin Pitts and David Saltzberg (2011); Kara Hoffman and Kate Scholberg (2012)

You are encouraged to contact these representatives of the DPF community if you have suggestions for how the Executive Committee can better serve our community.