Many congratulations to the 2011 American Physical Society Fellows nominated by the Division of Particles and Fields. The new Fellows will be honored at the annual DPF Business Meeting on Monday, April 2, 2012 during the APS April Meeting in Atlanta. All DPF members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
New 2011 APS Fellows nominated by DPF:
Stephen Barr – For his original contributions to grand unified theories, CP violation and baryogenesis.
Alice Bean – For her unique contribution in the design and construction of silicon detectors and other instrumentation. Her expert work of heavy quark decays in B decays. She created a novel outreach physics project Quarked™ and also led unique undergraduate research opportunities.
Regina Demina – For significant contributions to hadron collider physics, especially measurements of the mass and properties of the top quark, and for leading the construction of silicon trackers for the CMS detector.
Aida El-Khadra - For contributions to lattice QCD and flavor physics including pioneering studies of heavy quarks on the lattice, semileptonic and leptonic heavy-light meson decays, the strong coupling constant, and quark masses.
Walter Giele – For his detailed investigation of the perturbative structure of QCD, and the performance of calculations that have significantly increased the discovery potential of hadron colliders.
David Hedin – For his many important contributions to the D0 muon system design, construction, and operation, and his leadership in exploiting muons in a variety of physics studies at D0 both in Run I and Run II of the Tevatron.
John Hobbs – For leadership and personal contributions to understanding electroweak symmetry breaking through studies of the top quark, electroweak bosons, and searches for the Higgs boson and phenomena beyond the standard model.
Patrick Lukens – For his significant contributions to the success of the CDF II experiment. In particular for the leadership role he played during the construction, installation and data-taking operations and for the data analyses he spearheaded and published, including the observation of three new baryons that carry b-quark and the precision determination of their masses.
Paul Mantsch - For his scientific leadership of the successful construction and operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory yielding qualitative and quantitative advances in our knowledge of the highest-energy cosmic rays.
Kirill Melnikov - For outstanding contributions to the theory of high energy hadron collisions, heavy quark physics, and low-energy tests of the Standard Model, and for development of innovative techniques for perturbative calculations.
Yosef Nir - For profound contributions to our understanding of the physics of flavor, within the Standard Model and beyond, and for elucidating possibilities for realization of supersymmetry in nature.
Christoph Paus – For his many contributions to the success of the CDF experiment including his leadership and creative analysis approach in the observation of B_s mixing and measurement of delta_M_s along with his hardware leadership of the level-3 trigger and Time-of-Flight system.
Stephen Pordes – For important contributions to a wide range of experiments from measurements of nucleon structure functions to neutrino oscillations, and particularly for his studies of charmonium in proton-antiproton annihilation.
Gary Shiu - For his breadth and leadership in the field of string phenomenology, and for his numerous pioneering contributions to elucidating the implications of string theory to particle physics and early universe cosmology.
Jennifer Thomas - In recognition of her crucial contributions to the worldwide efforts aimed at understanding the elusive neutrinos, especially her seminal role played in the design, construction and physics analyses of the MINOS experiment and her leadership in the double beta decay NEMO and SuperNEMO programs.
Andrew White – For his leadership role in experimental particle physics, including invention of the DZero Experiment Intercryostat Detector, searches for new phenomena at DZero, and contributions to national and international committees.
The DPF deadline for 2012 APS Fellow nominations is April 2, 2012. More information is available online: