APS Division of Particles and Fields | annual report

annual report Archive

  • albert-receives-nobel-prize

    DPF Prizes and Awards for 2012

    By Patricia McBride.  The American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields is pleased to announce the 2012 recipients of the DPF Prizes and Awards.    The DPF 2012 Dissertation Award recipients will be announced at a later date.    All 2012 Prize and Award recipients will...

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  • hi-rise

    News from Fermilab

    By Jeffrey Appel, Fermilab Directorate (Originally published in January 2010 DPF newsletter) Fermilab is moving aggressively on fulfilling the promise of its current program, beginning funded efforts on the next generation of experiments, and doing R&D for the future beyond that. The breadth of the...

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  • black-hole

    News from the Large Hadron Collider

    by Katie Yurkewicz, Fermilab, US LHC Communications and Harvey Newman, Caltech, US LUO Executive Committee Chair (Originally published in January 2010 DPF newsletter) The Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland is now the world’s highest-energy particle accelerator, and is on its way to...

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  • atoms-for-peace

    News from the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel

    By Mel Shochet, University of Chicago, HEPAP Chair (Originally published in January 2010 DPF newsletter) The High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) advises both the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation on the current and future program in elementary particle physics. Meetings are...

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  • boris

    Issues and Activities

    By Boris Kayser, Fermilab, 2009 DPF Chair (Originally published in January 2010 DPF newsletter) This DPF Newsletter conveys the results of the most recent DPF Executive Committee (EC) election, sends you news from the LHC and Fermilab, describes the activities of HEPAP, and tells you...

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