APS Division of Particles and Fields | prizes

prizes Archive

  • nsbf-nshp

    NSBP/NSHP prize

    The DPF congratulates Kassahun Betre (Stanford/SLAC), winner of the particle physics prize at the Joint Annual Conference of the National Society of Black Physicists and the National Society of Hispanic Physicists.  He presented a poster entitled “Probing the Top Quark at the LHC Through Photon...

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  • albert-receives-nobel-prize

    DPF Prizes and Awards for 2012

    By Patricia McBride.  The American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields is pleased to announce the 2012 recipients of the DPF Prizes and Awards.    The DPF 2012 Dissertation Award recipients will be announced at a later date.    All 2012 Prize and Award recipients will...

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